R&D Case Study – Medical Company
Innovate Pharmaceuticals was formed when two doctors came together and theorised a new drug treatment. They realised that if they could develop a new method of administering aspirin to patients, it could be used as an emergency treatment for heart attacks. Even more excitingly, the team realised that it could also be used to treat a wide range of rare and devastating cancers.
The team has spent many years developing the new drug, which is a ‘true’ liquid form of aspirin: until now, aspirin has only been available in a dispersed form. The liquid aspirin can pass through the ‘blood brain barrier’, delivering treatment to where it is needed.
As with any drug, liquid aspirin has required vast amounts of time and money to research and develop. The R&D Claims Company has helped Innovate Pharmaceuticals reclaim the tax on this investment throughout the process, from developing the formula for the new compound, through to the extensive (and expensive!) medical trials.
The R&D Claims Company continues to support Innovate Pharmaceuticals, on their journey to receiving approval for their drug’s use across many international markets. The payments from the government’s R&D scheme have partly helped fund further research. Recently, the team has been looking at other diseases that their new drug could treat, and entirely new applications for their new drug technology.
Innovate has now secured a FDA clinical trials license in the US and a MHRA clinical trials license in the UK.
“We have worked closely with Mark and his team over a number of years. They have been consummate professionals throughout, guiding us through what can be difficult terrain to navigate. They have delivered on time and they continue to exceed our expectations.”
Dr Jimmy Stuart
MB., BS ( Lond ) , FRCS ( Edin ) , FRCEM ( Lond )
Medical Director, Innovate Pharmaceuticals Limited.